Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Yucca Valley/CA, another last-minute rush to site [ Comet T-A, Oct 15/2024 Wed ]

ANOTHER rush -- packing stuff, left at 3pm. Picked up chicken sandwich at KFC, then delivered letter at USPS office, got gas, got on 210 fwy ~4pm. 2.5 hrs to Yucca Valley/CA, would get me just as sun sets (~6:20pm). LOTS of bottlenecks along 210 until San Bernardino, then fast to Hwy 62 to 29 Palms/Yucca Valley

Made left onto Hwy 247, took left (going west) at Skyline Ranch Rd. Ran into private-property gate..!! Backtracked, went north on Redding Dr. Stopped along a pullout (next to house). Unloaded stuff quickly, luckily found a nice scenic spot with Joshua Trees in foreground

Setup time-lapse cameras -- GX85 (50-140 zoom) & GH4 (12-32 zoom). Then, used Canon 5D2 + 80-200/2.8 zoom for pics: 80mm, 135mm, 200mm. Then, used another Canon 5D2 + 50mm/1.4 for select shots. Also, shot 3 frame panorama.

Quit shooting at ~8:30pm.

Found myself next to friend's house, then went back to Yucca Valley to Carl's Jr -- got 3-piece Chicken Tenders & charged up batteries. Also, quickly surfed Web to check FB "Comet Watch". They closed at 11pm, so drove to Starbucks & camped overnight. They openede early at 4:30 am. I slept until 7am, then went into to edit photos, do time-lapse. Uploaded to Web, finished at 1:30pm .. !!!

Now, off to Walmart to buy mattress, towel, pillow -- to take a much needed nap

Also, get some Ranch dressing at Aldi's (across street from Starbucks)

Then, off to search for a good site..

Mt Wilson turnout, off Hwy 2 (Angeles Crest Hwy) [ Comet T-A, Oct 14/Mon 2024 ]

Super rush packing, got everything together, sped to Angeles Crest Hwy (Hwy 2). Sunset in west, looking for clear western horizon. 2 turnoffs didn't have enough western horizon, could see moon rising in East

Finally, found a turnout -- small group of people walking in from a ridge. Luckily,it had JUST enough west horizon. Caught comet setting into a slope

ABSOLUTELY could not find it naked eye, or in 10x40 binos. Finally, did a test exposure with 50mm lens -- Venus on left part of frame.. Luckly, comet showed up on right side of frame..!!

Scrambled with 80-200/4 zoom, tripod-mounted shots at various focal lengths:



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/19 Comet Pan Starrs [ Kofa Nationa, Wildlife Refuge ]

unfortunately, clouded out

Spent day in Palm Canyon, amazing scenery:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/18 Comet Pan Starrs [ Kofa National WIldlife Refuge ]

unfortunately, clouded out.

Spent a good day doing photography from observation site:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

3/15 Comet Pan Starrs from Mojave National Preserve (Kelso Dunes)

Moved to Mojave National Preserve (Kelso Dunes) on March 14, after fixing equipment. (RA drive on mount damaged on March 13 Los Olivos) Met a PhD student from Germany, who attended the SPIE conference in San Diego (he was sightseeing afterwards, headed towards Las Vegas). Unfortunately, clouded out due to heavy clouds on western horizon.

March 15 didn't look good, lots of clouds during day. More clouds on western horizon. Luckily, there was clear sky near twilight.

Weakening high pressure, means clouds from NorthWest. Have to move east, & south. During day, had a fantastic day hiking up to summit of Kelso Dunes. Got some interesting photos (see above link).

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comet Pan Starrs 3/12 [ Los Alivos ]

Great day of scenery & meeting various people.

Previous night & early morning..working on fine tuning telescope & cameras.  Had to go back in town to get food & water.  Arrived after sunrise, slept until 11am.  Mountain bikers came

Someone else followed & tipped me off on some blooming poppie flowers.  So, late afternoon I headed up the road & found it.  Spent some time photographing & taking in the breathtaking scenery

Got back to prepare for Comet Pan Starrs.  Most everything worked, various lenses (1000mm/8, 610mm/6, 400mm/4, 300mm/2.8, 200mm/2.8) worked.

 Below is time-lapse video from 200mm lens:

Click HERE for .mp4 video (iPod/iPhone/iPad/iTouch compatible), save to computer, drag/drop to iTunes, connect your iPod/iPhone/iPad/iTouch ("mobile media solution"), sync, show video to people ("masses") for STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) Outreach.

Or, goto "Space Outreach" video-blog & subscribe to "Space Outreach" iTunes video-podcast, to sync above video to iPod/iTouch/iPad/iPhone.

Was going to leave, but running late.  Have to stay another day, plus get supplies.

More photos at

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3/11 Comet Pan Starrs [ Los Alivos ]

Thanks to Martin Germano for scouting report (alternative site to Mt Pinos), near Mt Figueroa.  Ended up on a pullout above Los Alivos.  Drive thru Santa Barbara area was truly breathtakingly scenic.

Due to rush & cloud interference, wasn't able to get tracked narrow-angle shots (610mm/6, 400mm/4, 300mm/2.8)  Only got the above 200mm shot (pure luck)

Night incredibly quiet (no wind), very serene & peaceful.. Spent early evening doing some wide-angle astrophotos.  See above Orion above western horizon (note Jupiter near Hyades cluster)

Forgot a ton of stuff, including drinks & food! (only 1 quart of water & 6 bags of chips).  Will have to go back in town to get supplies

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Comet Holmes [ Anza Borrego/Arroyo Salado 11/14 ]

I'm blogging from Anza Borrego/Arroyo Salado, after traveling here from Baja Mexico (Jamau).

As in Jamau (11/12 & 11/13), the comet has lost its wildly dynamic ion tail. However, in 10x50 binoculars it's size is increased noticeaboy ("big fuzzball") & you can discern the nucleus (!).

Saw a nice Leonid mag 1 meteor @12:45am which left a persistent trail (Leo was 10 deg up in the east).

Night was balmy, around 65 deg, I was practically in short sleeves. Reminds me of the Leonid Metoer Shower in '98 (where I observed from this location). Arrived here @10pm pretty exhausted & spent the whole night photographing until dawn.

5" f8 APO (Astrophysics), 15s Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

5" f8 APO (Astrophysics), 60s Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

5" f8 APO (Astrophysics), 90s Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

5" f8 APO (Astrophysics), 120s Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

610mm f6 APO (Astrophysics), 10m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

450mm f4.5 APO (Astrophysics), 5m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Nikon 300mm/2.8 (4), 4m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 100mm/2.8 (4), 4m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 50mm/2.8 (4), 4m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 15mm/2.8 (4), 4m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 15mm/2.8 (4), 4m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 15mm/2.8 (4), 2m Canon 20D (ASA 1600)

Canon 15mm/2.8 (4), 30s Canon 20D (ASA 1600)


equipment photos